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// 3D Jam

One of the most widely played games on the face of the planet is your only means of survival in RPS Island. Created by ISVR, it took third place in this year’s 3D Jam VR Track for addictive gameplay and solid interaction design. Faced with a never-ending onslaught of enemies on a tropical island, you must defeat them by […]

Shoot ’em ups, games of skill, racing games, retro demos, and more – check out 13 arcade-style 3D Jam projects. There are just 10 more days to vote for your favorites! Cast your votes at – just login/register and go to the project’s 3D Jam submission page to submit a star rating.

Want to play the latest 3D Jam demos, but don’t have an Oculus Rift? Check out these 12 games built for Windows PCs, including the power to create (and shatter) glass animals, the Zen apocalypse, and a rousing game of minigolf.

After six weeks of intense competition, the 2015 3D Jam is now closed with 180+ submissions! Here are the winners of our final #ScreenshotSaturday Challenge round – the very best #3DJam screenshots and videos on Twitter this past week. Each of the five winners will receive an official 3D Jam T-shirt.

Another week, another round of #ScreenshotSaturday Challenge winners! From data diving and spider splatter to haunted houses, jet flight, and space explosions, here are the very best #3DJam screenshots and videos on Twitter!

Last week, we kicked off a #ScreenshotSaturday Challenge, with 15 T-shirts up for grabs to developers sharing the very best #3DJam screenshots and videos on Twitter. The first round wrapped up with 5 winners, and here they are!

It’s #ScreenshotSaturday, and you know what that means – time to take a look at the very latest projects for the 3D Jam. We’re almost at the halfway mark, which means that developers are starting to share early glimpses of their builds. There are already three early entries on our site and we can’t wait […]

Much like sketching the first few lines on a blank canvas, the earliest prototypes of a VR project is an exciting time for fun and experimentation. Concepts evolve, interactions are created and discarded, and the demo begins to take shape. Competing with other 3D Jammers around the globe, Swedish game studio Pancake Storm has shared […]

Developers around the globe have until Nov. 9th to build the most amazing experiences for virtual reality, desktop, mobile, and beyond – with over $75,000 in cash and prizes up for grabs. Register for the 3D Jam now at  

On your mark, get set, GO! This morning, our second annual 3D Jam kicks off with developers around the world competing for over $75,000 in cash and prizes – building brand new experiences for virtual reality, desktop, mobile, and beyond. Submissions are now open at