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On Developer Labs this week, discover how to start building 3D worlds that you can reach into and control. In other news, read about our Maker and Internet of Things community at RobotsConf, and check out the developer project that won our #LeapSquared photo contest. Plus, updates to OpenLeapKit and the LeapMotionP5 library, magic painting, […]

In my never-ending quest to figure out the ‘best’ way to interact with the Leap Motion Controller, I find a lot of my thoughts focusing on camera movements. In the case of the Universe of Sound, this meant flying from galaxy to galaxy by holding your hand flat, but I also wanted to explore other methods of camera movements.

Data is beautiful, there is no denying it. It might be hard to see this beauty when its in a JSON file or *shudders* an Excel spreadsheet, but data is immaculate. For me, one of the most exciting parts of the Leap Motion Controller is that it allows access to near-infinite data.

Creating interfaces is really difficult. It’s especially difficult when you are making interfaces for something that has not been researched before. The way you interact with the computer is different if you are using a trackpad, mouse, or touchscreen – and especially a Leap Motion Controller. Some actions are easier, and others are harder, so each interface should be made with these restrictions and freedoms in mind.

What wouldn’t have been possible without the Leap Motion Controller?

Every time I start a new project, this is the first question I ask myself. The answer is of course infinite, but to try and parse that infinity into a simple answer is always more difficult than I first expect. Many times, I’ll try to think about what another application looks like in ‘Leap Space’. For example, think about the game Snake. It may be the most simplistic application in the world, but what exactly would it look like in ‘Leap Space’?

When creating new demos for the Leap Motion Controller, the first question I tend to ask myself is: ‘How can I create something that was not possible to make before?’ This line of thought tends to lead me to a place of wondering how I can make a spaceship that lets me wing suit base jump on the moons of Jupiter, but sometimes it just makes me want to create a demo. One of the things that really excites me about the Leap Motion Controller is the extra dimension of interaction, especially when it pertains to 3D objects.