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// Leap Motion

Today we released a sneak peek of Leap Motion’s Windows functionality, one of the essential features we’re refining for our July 22 launch. This video shows how Leap Motion technology will work easily and seamlessly with Windows OS.  With the Leap Motion Controller, you’ll be able to browse the web and interact with your computer just by moving your hands […]

Over the past few weeks, we’ve heard lots of questions from people about how they can be part of our beta testing. We’d like to begin by saying that we’re very thankful for the tremendous interest and support that our community has shown. We know you’re eagerly anticipating our July 22 ship date, and we […]

Adam Somers, a passionate musician, has been working on amazing Leap Motion applications for many months. His AirHarp and AirBeats instrument apps have been covered by Engadget, Dvice, CNET Australia, Hackaday and more.  We spoke with Adam back in February (see video), and today we have an update on what he’s been doing lately. This […]

  Over the past year, we’ve had a great time working with awesome people at Google on a variety of uses for the Leap Motion technology. On April 22, the Google Earth team announced support for Leap Motion (video here), which is now available to anyone (right now, our early access developers) that has a […]

Hello everyone. We’ve heard many questions in relation to the shipping information email we sent to our pre-order customers yesterday. If you have not opened that email, please do so as there is important information related to shipping your Leap Motion Controller next month.

Today we held a live Ustream with our co-founders, Michael and David. Hundreds of our community members attended, but many more could not make it. Below the break is a full (lengthy) transcript of the 30-minute conversation. For quick reference, a summary of the questions David and Michael answered: 1. You have 600,000 devices sitting […]

I wanted to reach out to update you on the status of our ship date. After a lot of consideration, we’ve decided to push back the date and will now be shipping units to pre-order customers on July 22nd. This is not a decision we take lightly. There are hundreds of thousands of people in […]

At Leap Motion, we’ve been amazed by how many people from around the world have been inspired by the possibilities of our technology. They want to free themselves, and the rest of us, from the current limitations of computing interfaces. Last week, we joined many of these visionaries at the annual SF MusicTech Summit, which […]