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// Augmented & Virtual Reality

Quick Switch

A few weeks back, we shared a new Unity3D demo featuring “Quick Switch” functionality – opening up the ability to switch between a VR application and a camera overlay. With the release of our latest Unity assets for v2.2.2, Quick Switch is now available for developers. The assets include Prefabs that make it easy to integrate Quick Switch functionality into any Unity VR application.

What does the future of VR technology actually look like? No one knows, but one thing is clear – today’s devices are merely stepping stones along the way to experiences more wonderful and surreal than we can possibly imagine.

Over the next several weeks, we’re spotlighting the top 20 3D Jam experiences chosen by the jury and community votes. These spotlights will focus on game design, interaction design, and the big ideas driving our community forward. Tomáš Mariančík wants to change how people learn about the world and bring their ideas to life. While […]

In the lead-up to IndieCade East, we’re spotlighting the top 20 3D Jam experiences chosen by the jury and community votes – with a special focus on game design, interaction design, and the big ideas driving our community forward.

Martin Schubert’s Weightless won second place for its breathtaking atmosphere and fluid interaction mechanics. It’s available free for the Oculus Rift on the Leap Motion App Store.

In the lead-up to IndieCade East, we’re spotlighting the top 20 3D Jam experiences chosen by the jury and community votes. First up: Henry Hoffman’s Aboard the Lookinglass took first place thanks to its unique interaction design and compelling concept. It’s available free for the Oculus Rift on the Leap Motion App Store.

Over the last several years, the VR ecosystem has grown and diversified in ways that we could have scarcely imagined. We’re living through a technological Cambrian explosion where each new device and API takes us another inch closer to the Metaverse. But this incredible pace of development has resulted in serious fragmentation, with challenges for users, developers, and platforms alike.

Today we’re excited to announce the winners of the Leap Motion 3D Jam – but first, we have a special surprise for all our top 20 semi-finalists. It’s been an incredible competition, and we were really blown away by the high level of quality. As a result, we’ve decided to increase our prize pool! Now, each of the top 20 semi-finalists, along with three Honorable Mentions, will receive a cash prize.

It’s been five months since we launched the VR tracking beta, and since then we’ve made massive strides. In 2015, we’re building on this momentum with new resources for developers, while advancing support for several key VR platforms. In this post, I’d like to reflect on the year that we just left behind, and what’s coming in 2015. Here are just a few snapshots of the year ahead.

We learned so much on the ground with our developer community in 2014. Translating soothing gestures into meditative brainwaves on EEGs. Springing drones to life. Navigating new ways of thinking about user interfaces in VR.

You’ve built incredible things this year, and along the way, we’ve based many of the experiments, resources, and examples found in the Developer Portal on your feedback and feature requests. We can’t wait to keep that conversation going in the New Year. And now, for a bit of inspiration, behold – our 2014 Shortlist of Virtual Superlatives:

Happy holidays! Today we’re thrilled to announce the top 20 semi-finalists for the Leap Motion 3D Jam: Presented by IndieCade – our six-week global competition for $75,000 in cash and prizes. If you haven’t played them yet, they’re all available for download (along with over 120 others) on the jam site.