Until the rise of VR, we lived on the edges of a digital universe that was trapped behind glass screens. Immensely powerful and infinitely portable, but still distant and inaccessible. Now the glass is breaking. We can see and reach into new worlds, and the digital is taking substance in our reality. You are now […]
// Leap Motion Team

Martin Schubert is a VR Developer/Designer at Leap Motion and the creator of Weightless and Geometric. In architecture school, we had many long discussions about things most non-designers probably never give much thought to. These always swung quickly between absurdly abstract and philosophically important, and I could never be sure which of the two was […]

Breaking into VR development doesn’t need to break the bank. If you have a newer Android phone and a good gaming computer, it’s possible to prototype, test, and share your VR projects with the world using third-party software like RiftCat’s VRidge. In this post, we’ll take a look at what you’ll need to get started […]

Update (6/8/17): Interaction Engine 1.0 is here! Read more on our release announcement: blog.leapmotion.com/interaction-engine Game physics engines were never designed for human hands. In fact, when you bring your hands into VR, the results can be dramatic. Grabbing an object in your hand or squishing it against the floor, you send it flying as the physics […]
One of the most widely played games on the face of the planet is your only means of survival in RPS Island. Created by ISVR, it took third place in this year’s 3D Jam VR Track for addictive gameplay and solid interaction design. Faced with a never-ending onslaught of enemies on a tropical island, you must defeat them by […]
A lot has been going on behind the scenes here at Leap Motion. Today we’re excited to finally share what we’ve been building for the last year – Orion. We believe that technology has the power to augment human capabilities. In many ways it has, but in many ways we’re still separated from the vast […]

Shoot ’em ups, games of skill, racing games, retro demos, and more – check out 13 arcade-style 3D Jam projects. There are just 10 more days to vote for your favorites! Cast your votes at itch.io/jam/leapmotion3djam – just login/register and go to the project’s 3D Jam submission page to submit a star rating.
Want to play the latest 3D Jam demos, but don’t have an Oculus Rift? Check out these 12 games built for Windows PCs, including the power to create (and shatter) glass animals, the Zen apocalypse, and a rousing game of minigolf.

There are no limits to what you can hack together with the Leap Motion Controller – which is why this year’s Leap Motion 3D Jam includes an Open Track for desktop and Internet of Things projects! In this post, hardware hacker Syed Anwaarullah walks through his 3D-printed robotic hand project, which appeared at India’s first-ever Maker Faire. The […]