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// Developer Labs

New projects and features, insights on the future of human-computer interaction, and updates on Leap Motion developer communities around the world.

Hello, You’re invited to join your fellow developers at our first official meetup, kicking off tomorrow in San Francisco. This week on Developer Labs, we have some gestures for triggering events and a guide to recognizing taps. Plus, neural networks that recognize gestures, Linux OS control, JavaScript demos, an LED wall, and a glass touchscreen […]

Enabling tap gestures with the TouchZone API is an effective way to allow quick interactions within your app. Tapping is fast and easy, and it’s a very familiar action to anyone who’s used a touchscreen. Here’s a brief guide on how to recognize a tap gesture, in a way that avoids needless complexity and synchronization […]

How do I control multiple parameters and know which one I’m controlling? After watching a few video reviews of the Leap Motion Controller, it seems that some of those who recently joined the Leap Motion user community are looking for more clarity in controlling multiple parameters. To solve this problem, gesture mapping and use of […]

Hello, Our developer survey continues this week, as we call on everyone in our community for your thoughts and insights. On Developer Labs, read about body-based feedback and the Leap Motion Controller in the classroom. We also have a Game Maker plugin, wireless Arduino integration, and training neural networks. Plus, you're invited to next week's […]

Hello, Our community hit another milestone this week, with Highland Capital Partners’ announcement that Syntellia will be the first investment under the Leap Fund™. Later this week, we'll be releasing SDK 1.0 and the Developer Portal will be opening fully. On Developer Labs, we have a guest post from Syntellia and Isaac Cohen’s translation camera […]

Hi there! I’m Ioannis Verdelis, co-founder of Syntellia and one of the creators of the next-generation text-input app Fleksy. Last week, we closed our Series A financing round. It’s a big milestone for us, and we’re excited to have brought together a panel of strong investors to realize our vision. Among the investors was Highland […]

In my never-ending quest to figure out the ‘best’ way to interact with the Leap Motion Controller, I find a lot of my thoughts focusing on camera movements. In the case of the Universe of Sound, this meant flying from galaxy to galaxy by holding your hand flat, but I also wanted to explore other methods of camera movements.

Hello, Just 3 weeks after launching the Leap Motion Controller, yesterday we topped the 1 million app download mark on the Airspace Store. This week’s newsletter also features changes to ratings and reviews on the Airspace Store, two new interactive experiences from Isaac Cohen, and the latest projects and integrations from your community.

Data is beautiful, there is no denying it. It might be hard to see this beauty when its in a JSON file or *shudders* an Excel spreadsheet, but data is immaculate. For me, one of the most exciting parts of the Leap Motion Controller is that it allows access to near-infinite data.

Creating interfaces is really difficult. It’s especially difficult when you are making interfaces for something that has not been researched before. The way you interact with the computer is different if you are using a trackpad, mouse, or touchscreen – and especially a Leap Motion Controller. Some actions are easier, and others are harder, so each interface should be made with these restrictions and freedoms in mind.