Hot-air balloons floating hundreds of feet above the ground. A fighter jet soaring through the sky. A rock concert in Rio. And, of course, a paraglider dressed up as Batman, complete with Batmobile. These are just some of the videos that you can dive into with Kolor’s 360° video player Kolor Eyes, now featured on the Leap Motion Developer Gallery.
// News & Promotions

Earlier today, indie studio HE SAW launched the full version of Blue Estate, the darkly funny rail shooter based on the critically acclaimed comics series. Featuring hours of new gameplay, new enemies, and the most ridiculous mob bosses you’ve ever seen, the game is now available on PC for the Leap Motion Controller on our App Store.
In the lead-up to IndieCade East, we’re spotlighting the top 20 3D Jam experiences chosen by the jury and community votes. First up: Henry Hoffman’s Aboard the Lookinglass took first place thanks to its unique interaction design and compelling concept. It’s available free for the Oculus Rift on the Leap Motion App Store.

Today we’re excited to announce the winners of the Leap Motion 3D Jam – but first, we have a special surprise for all our top 20 semi-finalists. It’s been an incredible competition, and we were really blown away by the high level of quality. As a result, we’ve decided to increase our prize pool! Now, each of the top 20 semi-finalists, along with three Honorable Mentions, will receive a cash prize.

After six weeks of heated competition, the 3D Jam closed with 150+ final submissions from developers in more than 40 countries around the globe. Now the first round of judging is underway – and you can vote for your favorites!
Sci-fi space odysseys and mysterious forests, quirky puzzles and addictive games, action-packed thrills and artistic experiments – there’s an incredible range of beta demos for you to download and play. Virtual reality was enormously popular among the jammers, with over 50% of submissions designed for the Oculus Rift.

With just one week until our 3D Jam submission deadline, we’re hosting another Let’s Play session today! At 2pm PST, join us on Twitch TV to see the latest demos and chat with your fellow game lovers.
While we ran into some technical difficulties with our audio setup and framerate last time (sorry about that, folks!) we’ll be up and running with a much stronger rig. To set a reminder, subscribe here, and we’ll email you five minutes before the session begins. While you wait, here are last week’s 3D Jam Let’s Play highlights!
This weekend, we saw 50+ early submissions to the Leap Motion 3D Jam! To celebrate the milestone, we’re hosting a live Let’s Play tomorrow at 4pm PST on Twitch TV – where you can join developers, gamers, and tech lovers to offer your commentary on these early contenders for jam supremacy.

The average human brain weighs about three pounds. Picture three pounds of bees encased in your skull, buzzing out of your ears. You’re welcome. Thankfully, Select 3D Jam Team Three Pounds of Bees has no intention of inducing gamers into this nightmare scenario. Rather, their goal is to bring the power of pollination to your fingertips.
We’ve made some changes to how we ship the Leap Motion Controller globally to customers who purchase from our website. As we continue to build the next generation of our software, we want to streamline how we sell and ship our devices so we can be more efficient. At the same time, we want to […]