It’s been five months since we launched the VR tracking beta, and since then we’ve made massive strides. In 2015, we’re building on this momentum with new resources for developers, while advancing support for several key VR platforms. In this post, I’d like to reflect on the year that we just left behind, and what’s coming in 2015. Here are just a few snapshots of the year ahead.
// android
Experimental headsets are changing how we see the world, either by creating the virtual worlds of our imaginations or adding ghostly layers on top of the real world. At the LEAP.AXLR8R, GetVu’s vision lies between these two extremes – an augmented reality platform where 3D models appear to exist in real space, amongst real objects.

It’s time to fully embrace a change in the way we think about technology and how we use it in our day-to-day lives. The gadgets, the APIs, and the common ground for connecting them all together in diverse and incredible ways exist right now. Leap Motion is just one part of rediscovering how we can […]