The average human brain weighs about three pounds. Picture three pounds of bees encased in your skull, buzzing out of your ears. You’re welcome. Thankfully, Select 3D Jam Team Three Pounds of Bees has no intention of inducing gamers into this nightmare scenario. Rather, their goal is to bring the power of pollination to your fingertips.
// Leap Motion Developer

How pervasive will virtual reality be? VR has the power to fundamentally transform the way we learn, play, share and even browse the web. Mozilla’s recent experiments combining VR and the web pave a path towards virtual presence – pushing beyond disconnected feelings of immersion and bringing us into new places with a life of their own.

San Francisco is a city fueled by the Cloud, both literally and figuratively. Karl, you’re great – the bearded mystic that keeps a spring in our step and a song in our hearts – but distance makes the heart grow fonder! So we went down to Los Angeles this weekend for IndieCade to kick off our global 3D Jam. We hit the ground running on Friday with V2 demos for both desktop and virtual reality.

It’s no secret that for many developers in our community, midnight is the hour when the hacking gets good. Late last Friday night, over 1,000 undergraduates from across the country poured into California Memorial Stadium for Cal Hacks, a 36-hour coding spree put on by Major League Hacking. Sponsors ranging from tech’s biggest players to […]
Rio de Janeiro’s fourth annual ArtRio Festival overtook Pier Mauá last week. Fifty thousand visitors wandered through over 100 different galleries, taking in world-renowned works right alongside pieces from up-and-coming names. True to Brazil’s flair for the evocative, however, festivalgoers could not only consume art, but create it themselves – designing their very own Heineken […]
This year’s Vivid Sydney light, sound, and ideas festival saw the collision of two powerhouse Australian art collectives – Ethno Tekh and Enig’matik Records. Together they built Enigma’Tekh, a whirring system of massive technicolor projections coating the facade of Sydney University.

For decades, motion controls have held a persistent place in our visions of the future. We’ve watched the super heroes, mad scientists, and space cowboys of popular media control digital experiences with just a wave of their hands. We’ve been captivated by these powerful, natural, and intuitive interactions; imagining what it would be like to […]
What is a city without its shops? Is it just an empty shell? How a team of developers in the Netherlands are fighting to draw attention to a dying retail street with an outdoor art installation.