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// Leap Motion Developer

When digital art and physical sculptures are melded together, the resulting creation can be spectacular and strange. Recently, visitors to an exhibition at Eyebeam, an NYC-based art and technology center, discovered what happens when you throw 3D interaction into the mix. You become an artist yourself – creating between the real and unreal. You become […]

From building together in Google Hangouts to reimagining classic games, reach into the future with student projects from the PennApps hackathon. Plus, an Oculus Rift-enabled example that lets you beat up a dummy. Also new this week, we have a library for AngularJS, playing piano and mixing beats in the air, and a huge virtual-reality battleship game.

When the 2014 Winter Olympics end tomorrow, where will you get your late night curling fix? Easy: Google Earth + Leap Motion. The folks over at MyReadingMapped have created a detailed digital tour of the icy alpine ski and bobsled venues of Sochi, so you can soar above the Men’s and Women’s Downhill and skate […]

Like many developers, Chris Galzerano is a creature of the late night. Fuelled by quick afternoon power naps, he typically codes straight into the early hours of the morning before going to bed. After all, he has school in the morning. One of three young developers with apps in the Leap Motion App Store, Chris is the […]

What do 3D printers and analog clocks have in common? Find out this week on Developer Labs with a retro art experiment and how hardware hacking can change the world. Plus, three young developers on building apps for Airspace, text input interfaces, augmenting the web, and robotic learning. To take control of your own hardware integrations, check […]

From bringing the Wu-Tang style to interactive hardware to designing printed circuit boards in Uganda, Andrew Maxwell-Parish’s explorations into open-space technology have taken him to interesting places – both conceptual and geographical. Earlier this month, Andrew talked about his five-month artist residency at Autodesk’s Pier 9 in San Francisco, and we were there to hear all about it.

This week on Developer Labs, take the power of flight into your own hands with a Node.js control system for quadcopters, reach into the newly released plugin system for LeapJS, and control a holographic crystal pyramid designed with WebGL. Plus, sign up for a brand new Leap Motion hackathon in Austin.

When a volcano erupts, a large, sunken crater called a Caldera is left in its wake. They are desolate and otherworldly voids, seemingly stolen from a post-apocalyptic future where – left with a blank canvas – we are suddenly faced with the challenge of reconstructing our environment completely from the ground up. But if we […]

Today is your last chance to share your feedback and help us shape our roadmap for 2014. Plus, we’ve upgraded our documentation and app review guidelines, as well as added a new feature to Airspace. From giant vibrating strings that explode into light and sound to grainy music you can create with your fingers, we’re […]

When we joined artists and coders at Google San Francisco last week to talk about the future of the web, the consensus was clear: it’s time to truly unleash our creativity. Beneath our browsers is a robust engine waiting to break free. It’s more than a place to consume media and speedread viral headlines – it’s a platform to heighten our senses and challenge our minds.