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// Leap Motion

We’re always amazed at what our developers can build – especially when they combine the Leap Motion Controller with other technologies in new and exciting ways. From lasers and projectors to 3D models and glass panels, here are 7 videos of cool experiments that take Leap Motion control beyond the desktop. If you’ve created or […]

On Friday, a preview of Peter Molyneux’s new game, Godus, became available on Steam Early Access. The godfather of god games, Molyneux is also the designer of Populous and Black & White. Since we announced the Leap Motion Controller, we’ve heard from lots of people excited about using it to play Black & White, so […]

Imagery, video, text – whatever its form, ephemeral media is a thrill to experience because it’s forever fleeting. Teeming with the threat that if you look away, even for a second, you could miss it entirely. With his completely improvised performances, Russian-based musician Anton Maskeliade brings this elusive principle into the genres of electronica and […]

Are you ready to use your hands to fly to the moon and play among the stars? Elon Musk and the engineers at SpaceX aren’t the only ones using Leap Motion technology to explore other worlds. With these 11 space-inspired apps available in the Airspace Store or on the web, you can learn about the […]

From immersive universes to innovative first-person shooters, we’ve heard from thousands of gamers worldwide about unique gameplay possibilities for the Leap Motion Controller. Soon, you’ll be able to find both in a single game – and the prologue will be available exclusively as an app for Leap Motion. Based on the darkly humorous comics series, […]

This week, we hit the 100-app milestone with 4 new Windows titles in the Airspace Store. With the apps in today’s blog post, you can master the art of catching flies and building towers, or take control of your PC by gesturing or simply pointing.

Musicians around the world are experimenting with new ways to perform their songs using Leap Motion. The Geco MIDI app has been particularly popular in Airspace, and we’ve seen lots of amazing videos showing how musicians are using Leap Motion in their work. Here are 6 songs from artists based in Israel, the United Kingdom, Iowa, […]

This week in Airspace, take to the skies in a hang glider or run your hands through a peaceful pool of water. In the new browser-based game HelloRun, you can fly through the winding corridors of a spaceship. Plus, we’ve made it easier for you to discover the latest apps in the Airspace Store with […]

Sometimes learning is about taking leaps of intuition to discover new solutions to problems. With the end of #LeapInto Learning week (but just the beginning of our stories about Leap Motion and education), we’re encouraging creative thinking with three imaginative apps that will challenge your expectations.

At Leap Motion, our goal is to push beyond the barriers created by old interfaces, so we can open up new possibilities in a variety of fields. Dan Gill, our head of enterprise business, writes about how Leap Motion technology could transform everything from healthcare to aerospace in the latest issue of Lead IT magazine.